You know those things that have pinged you?
Those gifts that are beautiful?
Those countries and people who are most important to you?
The God you love?
Keep moving toward those.
You know those things that have pinged you?
Those gifts that are beautiful?
Those countries and people who are most important to you?
The God you love?
Keep moving toward those.
A Life-Lesson
There! little girl; don't cry!
They have broken your doll, I know;
And your tea-set blue,
And your play-house, too,
Are things of the long ago;
But childish troubles will soon pass by. --
There! little girl; don't cry!
There! little girl; don't cry!
They have broken your slate, I know;
And the glad, wild ways
Of your schoolgirl days
Are things of the long ago;
But life and love will soon come by. --
There! little girl; don't cry!
There! little girl; don't cry!
They have broken your heart I know;
And the rainbow gleams
Of your youthful dreams
Are things of the long ago;
But Heaven holds all for which you sigh. --
There! little girl; don't cry!
“If you are not in the arena getting your ass kicked on occasion, I’m not interested in or open to your feedback. There are a million cheap seats in the world today filled with people who will never be brave with their lives but who will spend every ounce of energy they have hurling advice and judgment at those who dare greatly. Their only contributions are criticism, cynicism, and fear-mongering. If you’re criticizing from a place where you’re not also putting yourself on the line, I’m not interested in what you have to say.”
I used to think God wouldn't talk to me,
but now I know I'm just selective with what I choose to hear.
Jesus' disciples saw joy and suffering, triumph and tragedy,
and in the end there was just a man, an idea, and an invitation without a lot of details.
The disciples were unschooled and ordinary, like all of us.
Yet they didn't need all the details because they were on an adventure with a Father
who wanted to take them.
You don't need to know everything when you're with someone you trust.